Saturday, September 09, 2006

Football is All Around Us:
(The second in a series)

la commish recently purchased her first football jersey.* she almost went with a colts blue pey-baby # 18 in a boys xl, but instead decided upon a sexy steelers roethlisberger, on account that it hugs her curves nicely, not to mention you can never go wrong with basic black (and gold).

this foray into foot locker fashion got la commish thinking. in her ongoing efforts to make sense of the x's and o's, she often tries to put football into a context she more readily understands, usually booze. (example: if pey-pey were a beer, he would be a budweiser, the king of beers. eli would be a bud light.) so in celebration of the sporty cuteness that is the -mono.league-...

in season: if football were fashion

peyton manning, colts quarterback:
the look. the feel. the fabric of my life.

the pittsburgh steelers: (who are so very audrey this year...)
the skinny black pants. always a timeless classic. especially hot this season, thanks to a superbowl win last year and the re-emergence of 80's rock chic androgyny a la peter doherty/kate moss

the new england hatriots:
kathy ireland for kmart. maybe this look works out in the sticks, but there's NO place for polyester play in nyc.

herm edwards, head coach for the kansas city chiefs:
you dress to win the game.

terrell owens, dallas cowboys winged right:
he's like stilettos. they're a bitch to wear, but they get the job done.

drew brees, quarterback for the new orleans saints:
(not to mention the phantasy football qb for the maniacal bulldogs)
frilly underwear. on account that he plays like a girl.

-la commish, who prefers tastes great to less filling

* disclosure: la commish was once given a white peyton jersey by a hatriots fan, which just goes to show, if a colts fan and a hatriots lover can co-exist in harmony, then there's hope for lesser rivalries, like peace in the middle east.

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