Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Blogger, Shot Caller

la commish is fairly new to the blogosphere and all of its accompanying social mores. hence, the following...

setting: snooty intellectual conversation

snoot #1: (turning to la commish) are you a blogger?
la commish: (misunderstanding) hell's yeah i'm a baller! living the life!
snoot #2: huh?
la commish: pimpin' ain't easy, but someone's gotta do it!
snoot #1: what type is it?
la commish: baby, they're all my type! mothers, lock up your sons!
snoot #1: i meant, what kind of blog is it?
la commish: (mental doh! we're talking about blogging??!!) umm, it's about football....

la commish is kinda short to begin with, so feeling 3 feet tall isn't too much of a stretch.

to cirmumvent* similar social catastrophes, la commish spent her morning ignoring customers and surfing the web to learn more about the local customs of the blogosphere. she came across the following on one of her daily hits, written by a fellow nyc blogger:

"i love when bloggers meet each other, hook up, and then wrestle with whether or not they can blog about it." -larry from

la commish, who does not kiss and blog (if she did, she'd have a lot of explaining to do about who she did this weekend) is tickled to find an entirely new dating subculture to shave her legs for.

mothers, lock up your bloggers....
-la commish

* note to my never-nude readership: cirmumvent means to go around. as in 'the old reach around'.

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