Thursday, August 31, 2006

What the F?*

this fantasy football blog has seen enough drama in the last 24 hours to qualify as a lifetime for women movie!

la commish is unthrilled (yet secretly hopes to be played by the beautiful justine bateman).

someone has entered her vagina (-mono.league-) unannounced!
on the eve of our draft, someone new signed on to play. we now find ourselves with an uneven number of coaches, which means that draft must be postponed.

while la commish knows all about postponing (like that time she didn't feel like going on a date with that cute musician so she told him that she couldn't leave her puppy alone in thunder & lightning. "but it's not raining in manhattan," he said. her response: "it is in brooklyn." thank god for the boroughs.) she is rage-filled at this turn of events.

mysterious player, make yourself known! before i am forced to come at you like a spider monkey!

-la commish ,
who's movie of the week would be titled not without my football: the lydia manning story

*f stands for FOOTBALL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew we would never be accepted. There are dozens of us out there!! Dozens!

The Never Nudes