Thursday, August 31, 2006

Code Green: Low Terror Alert

la commish is relieved to report that the earlier crisis regarding never-nude infiltrators has been averted. after a tension-filled stand-off, la commish stood victorious over her unharmed league.

but be mindful of who lurks about your vagina (-mono.league).

...i doubt this is the last we've heard of the never-nudes...



How dare these "Featherbottoms" enter your Vagina, mono-league without permission.

Although the thing that I'm most upset by is the use of the "Never-nude" moniker...that's mine!

Darthferg, MS LMFT
Marriage & Family Analrapist

Anonymous said...

You shall never know our true identities. For we are Milford Men; we will never be seen nor heard.

The Never Nudes