Monday, February 19, 2007

Not Tom Brady's Year


la commish, who's biggest fear is that of an ex suddenly turning up on her doorstep with a little lydia in tow, is almost sympathetic to hater #12's plight. but then a giggle forms in the back of her throat as she wonders how many superbowl rings it will take for giselle to forgive him!

she never thought she'd say this, but thank you tom brady, for showing what a class act you are and knocking up your ex-girlfriend.


may league of our own suggest "peyton" if it's a boy?

what the little one will look like


Anonymous said...

About damn time you updated this thing, the suspense has been killing me. Good to see everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with jake.up.said...

FYI - Peyton will be hosting SNL sometime in March

Anonymous said...

What should he name his rumored baby with Gisele?

Anonymous said...
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