Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hard Day's Night

during the day, you drink your coffee, work hard, punch in and punch out.

at night, it’s not so simple. in la commish’s case, a late night phone call from the west coast, land of the cultivated game, prompts her to open an ill-advised bottle of white at 3:30 in the morning and light a much deserved cigarette. (ill-advised solely b/c the quality of the wine is in her professional opinion questionable, nothing to do with the big work deadline she has to deal with the next day as 5am approaches, large and awake.)

in the case of texas, the night perhaps didn’t lead to talk of love of philosophy but to the lack of it. and tasks for which one feels unprepared for loom larger than they should. maybe one pill accidentally turns to a couple dozen. as one person publicly suicides (whether by accident or by design) another questions why.

my intent in writing this blog was to learn a little football, have a little fun, and maybe score a couple of hotties along the way. but in the face of tragedy (which something like this is, no matter how “accidental” it turns out to be spun), perhaps there’s an element of guilt in my thoughts tonight.

just like in a way we are all a bit responsible for the horrendous state of the union today, we collectively pick our idols (or let them be chosen for us.)

maybe t.o. is nothing more than a man, standing in front of a crowd, asking us to love him. in effect i, as a fan, put him there. So now i have no choice (no responsible choice) but to respectfully let him do his thing.

la commish (who if you haven’t noticed by now is enamored by words) adores the following quote as a testament to all that is good about life and love: ”that love is reverence, and worship, and glory, and the upward glance.” up until now, i’ve been lucky not to ever have met its flipside:

“if you’re trouble then I’l follow you down…”


-La, commish, silently drinking a toast of good fortune to terrell the man (though she’ll trade t.o. the phantasy football player asap as soon as she figures out how!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I buy that we ultimately bear responsibility for the mental breakdowns of our idols. For their meteoric rises to--and abysmal plummets from--fame? Probably. For their mentall illness? Not so much.

We have a lot more to answer for in choosing such lame idols in the first place. Assisted suicide ain't so bad, but bad taste is unforgiveable.